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Description: this study jsp book-jsp book
Platform: | Size: 704468 | Author: ddx | Hits:


Description: 学习jsp技术的一个很好的PPT-learning a good PPT
Platform: | Size: 1184768 | Author: 日特 | Hits:


Description: JSP课件 主要是个人在学习JSP时,总结一些重要的源码,大家有可以做为参考资料阅读,谢谢!-JSP courseware is mainly personal learning JSP, summing up some important source, you can read as a reference, thank you!
Platform: | Size: 701440 | Author: zzq | Hits:


Description: 我学jsp入门使用到的一个ppt课件讲的内容是jsp的基本语法,希望和更多的入门者一起分享 。-I studied jsp entry to the use of a ppt courseware for the content of the basic syntax jsp, and more beginners share.
Platform: | Size: 1174528 | Author: xu | Hits:


Description: this study jsp book-jsp book
Platform: | Size: 704512 | Author: ddx | Hits:


Description: 非常棒的JSP初学者幻灯片教程 ,PPT格式-wonderful slides JSP beginners guide PPT format
Platform: | Size: 1176576 | Author: 任广明 | Hits:


Description: Jsp与Servlet的ppt教程,适合初学都入门的教程-Jsp Servlet ppt and guidance for beginners have caught the Directory
Platform: | Size: 931840 | Author: 杨妞妞 | Hits:


Description: jsp 快速入门不求人,为jsp经典教材,学了本书,在不用看任何jsp基础,直接下一步框架吧!-jsp Quick Start angeljuliet to jsp classic materials and the theory of the book, in jsp not see any basis, directly next framework!
Platform: | Size: 1175552 | Author: bruce2 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringStruts_PPT

Description: 软件开发过程通常包括五个阶段:分析、设计、编码、测试和发布。如果在Web应用开发中套用现成的Struts框架,则可以简化每个开发阶段的工作,开发人员可以更加有针对性地去分析应用需求,不必重新设计框架,而只需要在Struts框架的基础上,设计MVC各个模块的具体组件(JSP、Action、ActionForm以及业务组件JavaBean等)。在编码过程中,可以充分利用Struts提供的各种实用类和标签库,简化编码工作。-software development process usually includes five phases : analysis, design, coding, testing and released. If the Web Application Development use existing Struts framework, we can simplify the development of each stage of work, developers can be more targeted to analyze the application requirements, without re-design framework, only need the Struts framework, based on the MVC design modules specific components (JSP, Action, ActionForm and business JavaBean components, etc.). During the encoding process, can fully utilize the various Struts provide practical classes and the labels, simplified coding work.
Platform: | Size: 1305600 | Author: qaz | Hits:


Description: 网页编程(PPT) 详细地讲解了jsp的网页编程方法-website programming (PPT) explain in detail the jsp website Programming
Platform: | Size: 1174528 | Author: 123456 | Hits:


Description: 提供给JAVA入门者,免費下载PPT和源码 很多网友问我学习Java有没有什么捷径,我说“无他,唯手熟尔”。但是我却很愿意将自己学习的一些经验写出来,以便后来者少走弯路,帮助别人是最大的快乐嘛!   要想学好Java,首先要知道Java的大致分类。我们知道,自从Sun推出Java以来,就力图使之无所不包,所以Java发展到现在,按应用来分主要分为三大块:J2SE,J2ME和J2EE,这也就是Sun ONE(Open Net Environment)体系。J2SE就是Java2的标准版,主要用于桌面应用软件的编程;J2ME主要应用于嵌入是系统开发,如手机和PDA的编程;J2EE是Java2的企业版,主要用于分布式的网络程序的开发,如电子商务网站和ERP系统。J2SE开发桌面应用软件比起VC,VB,DELPHI这些传统开发语言来说,优势好象并不明显。J2ME对于初学者来说,好象又有点深奥,而且一般开发者很难有开发环境。所以现在应用最广泛又最好学的就是J2EE了。J2EE又包括许多组件,如JSP,Servlet,JavaBean,EJB,JDBC,JavaMail等。要学习起来可不是一两天的事。   那么又该如何学习J2EE呢?当然Java语法得先看一看的,I/O包,Util包,Lang包你都熟悉了吗?然后再从JSP学起。如果你学过HTML,那么事情要好办的多,如果没有,那你快去补一补HTML基础吧。其
Platform: | Size: 445440 | Author: 智慧男孩 | Hits:

[Software Engineeringjsp_jiao_chen[ppt]

Description: JSP课件教程(ppt格式),对于初学者来说非常棒!-JSP Courseware Tutorial (ppt format), for beginners great!
Platform: | Size: 1175552 | Author: liangtao | Hits:


Description: jsp动态网站开发与实例(第3版)课件,有助于您学习JSP开发,并和应用于教学
Platform: | Size: 6679552 | Author: 李力 | Hits:


Description: 看过的不错的jsp教程,讲述到了jsp编程的方方面面,是我看过的不错的教程-Read a good tutorial jsp, the jsp on all aspects of programming that I have read a good tutorial
Platform: | Size: 7413760 | Author: 周旒彦 | Hits:


Description: 学习JSP和SERVLET的PPT,可以快速的掌握JSP和SERVLET的核心-err
Platform: | Size: 8069120 | Author: 遥遥 | Hits:


Description: jsp 内容详细 言简意赅 算法易懂 层次鲜明-jsp detailed concise easy to understand the level of clear-cut algorithm
Platform: | Size: 7405568 | Author: 宏伟 | Hits:

[WEB CodeFive-JSP-yemianzuocheng

Description: HTML语法 CSS语法 JavaScript脚本 JSP注释 变量、方法的声明 JSP指令 JSP动作(Action)语法 JSP脚本-HTML Syntax CSS Syntax Notes JavaScript scripts JSP variables, methods statement JSP directive JSP actions (Action) syntax JSP Script
Platform: | Size: 26624 | Author: bo | Hits:


Description: This a jsp ppt.. download this for java study. this is very essential-This is a jsp ppt.. download this for java study. this is very essential..
Platform: | Size: 60416 | Author: Indra | Hits:


Description: jsp ppt,很详细,我刚学经jsp的时候就是用这么ppt,可以全面的了解一下ppt,有个初步认识。很有用-jsp ppt, very thorough and I just learn through jsp, it is the use of such a ppt, to a comprehensive look at ppt, with a preliminary understanding. Useful
Platform: | Size: 7047168 | Author: 于亚秀 | Hits:


Description: 有关jsp的完整ppt课件。。。。。。。(about JSP PPT Courseware)
Platform: | Size: 12403712 | Author: 熊猫嘟嘟 | Hits:
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